We hope you like the look and style of our brand new website.
It's been an exciting, yet busy few months putting it all together and to celebrate we've got a few things to share with you.......
Firstly, we'd like to invite you to our Bridal Fashion Show and Open Evening. Not only will you get to see the venue on a lovely summers evening, but we will have a variety of bridal fashions shows taking place and some very special exhibitors too. More information on this soon but make sure to keep Tuesday 28th June free!
Secondly, we've a brand new fully inclusive package "The Romeo & Juliet Package" available from today. More information can be found here Romeo & Juliet Package
Enjoy looking around our new website and if you have any questions feel free to get in touch, we are here to help.
01604 844 717 info@bramptongrange.net